Joseph F. McSweeney… November 1962 -March 17, 2013
Following a tragic accident, Joe suffered a head injury and passed away on St. Patrick’s Day.
Joe was a loving husband of almost 25 years to Cathy. He was extremely proud of their four beautiful children Joey, Matthew, Ryan, and Megan.
Joe was born in Sacramento, CA; the fifth son of William and Joan of Los Altos, CA. He is also survived by his siblings: Bill (Nancy), Bob (Nicole), Tom (Julie), Brian (Annamarie), Carol (Jim) Ryan, Kathy (Tony) Perazzo, and Joanne (John) McShane. He was the always-smiling “Uncle Joey” to seventeen nieces and nephews.
Joe was an alumnus of St. Francis High School, and University of San Francisco. Joe and his family have been long time parishioners at St. Isidore’s Catholic Church and school. Joe, always a man of action and involvement, was heavily committed to numerous community events and organizations including Danville Little League, CYO Youth Sports, De La Salle High School, and the St. Isidore Men’s Club, which he founded. He also enjoyed his alumni involvement with the USF Dons baseball program.
Professionally, Joe was a valued Business Development Manager with American Asphalt Company (Hayward) and was active in several trade and professional associations. Joe’s charm, infectious attitude, and kind heart made him easy to love. He will be truly missed.
Services will be held at St. Isidore’s Catholic Church located at 440 La Gonda Way, Danville, CA.
– Visitation: Thursday March 21st at 7pm, Rosary 7:30pm
– Mass of Resurrection: Friday March 22nd at 10:30am
In lieu of flowers, family and friends have set up the following: “Joseph McSweeney Family Educational Fund”. Provident Credit Union Attn: Account Services PO Box 8007 Redwood City, CA 94063-0903
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